
Zoey is the Suicide Girl of Dreams

  • Age: 20
  • Ethnicity: American
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Height: 5ft 3in
  • Hair: Sandy Blonde
  • Languages: English
  • Statistics: A-Cup
  • Hometown: San Francisco


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Alright, who likes video games? Correct answer: who the fuck doesn't. I'm Zoey, I love video games, I'm a suicide girl and I have a bit of a potty mouth. I tend to swear like a sailor on shore leave for the first time in months (as horny as one too), but I'll try to keep it clean as much as I can. I promise I'll fucking try. Shit. Ugh, alright, let's start over.

I've been playing video games my entire life. Guess when a girl grows up with a bunch of brothers, that just kind of happens. Course, when they were out playing their sports or chasing girls, I practiced my first person shooter skills with the vibrating controller (which I discovered at a younger age could be used for a few other things besides just playing video games). I didn't really need to go out and hunt down boys. All my brothers brought their friends over, so it worked out pretty well for me. So how on earth did I become a Vegas stripper? Really it isn't all that difficult to figure out. I love to play with the boys, I love to show off in front of the boys, and I love to play with joysticks. So, I mean, come on, it kind of goes hand in hand.

The New Side of Vegas Strippers

Big plastic tits, fake hair or outlandishly designed landing strips just are not my thing. I keep it myself without going crazy overboard. I'm my own personal style and I'm not changing it for anyone. Fu...um...screw that. But I need go get that extra cash with all the extra games I love to play when I'm not working, and for anyone who hasn't priced new video games in a while, let me clue them in on a little secret. Each game costs like a billion dollars now, so I'm pretty much dancing for games now. Not that I mind it though. I'm good with my hands and I know how to work it. When my brother's friends would come over, I'd always accidentally let my baggy shirt slip down my shoulder or wear little tiny boy shorts and lay on the ground in front of them while I played. Distraction against boys is the best way to beat them in any game. Doesn't matter how good they are. Now, I want all of my men's attention focused directly on me. I want to show them what unique Las Vegas strippers can do for them and i want them to just kick back and relax while I put on a show. We can talk video game shop when I'm done (or when they are done?).

I love to try and bring in some of my video game cosplay into the show from time to time. Can't think of many other girls who rock the occasional Fallout Pitboy or a Zelda cap in their stage performance. Course, I don't know how many of the girls who could actually pull it off even if they wanted to. I know men love a girl who dresses up like their favorite fantasy character, but there is something most men even like better. When the girl dressing up actually has an f-ing connection with that character. Not much of a point if a guy is all excited to talk with the Las Vegas stripper about their Electra outfit if she doesn't know anything about the character other than Jennifer Gardner played a really crappy one in a really crappy movie (although Ben Afleck is available now...so at least I've got that going for me). No, they want to be able to ask about the power armor helmet and chat it up about Fallout. And yes, before anyone asks, I have played New Vegas while living in Vegas, multiple times. One of my favorite.

The Original Las Vegas Bachelor Party Ideas

I'm a real treat when it comes to Las Vegas bachelor party packages. While guys come to Vegas to check out the different Las Vegas strip clubs or to see a beautify stripper in Vegas, they also want a bit of their own unique taste incorporated into it. Sure, blonde hair and fake, hard tits are for some. But for the avid video game player, I'm the girl they seek out. I can give them a lap dance while talking player cheats. Let's just say that turns on my men just as much as rubbing their face into my tits. Love getting their joystick hard and ready for gameplay just by talking up games with they and the latest beta testing.

Of course, I'm not just for gamers. I'm that wickedly clever girl (no, not the raptor from Jurassic Park) who is two steps ahead at all times. I don't need to talk at all. I can just wrap my arms around a man's neck and give him an up close and personal lap dance. I want to make sure the visitor to the strip clubs Las Vegas boasts enjoys his time in the club and in the city itself. I'm the girl that offers the alternative to the fake and glitzy when someone wants it real and yet still filthy and naughty. As I said, I like to talk like a sailor, so yeah, that talk tends to leak out while dancing with my new man. I find most men like it when I whisper filthy and raunchy things into their ears while we dance. What I say though is just between us.