
Let Vivian be Your Las Vegas Stripper

  • Age: 24
  • Ethnicity: Russian
  • Weight: 114 lbs
  • Height: 5ft 9in
  • Hair: Brunette
  • Languages: "English"
  • Statistics: C-Cup
  • Hometown: Moscow


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I'm Vivian and I want to be the Las Vegas stripper of every mans dream. I want to be the one they think about on that long plane ride back home. The one that appears in the middle of their dreams. The one they long for years after their visit to Vegas as they conjure up plans to make a return visit. There is nothing better than being remembered, so when I am remembered for giving them one of the greatest experiences in their life, it means I am doing something right. With my perfectly molded body though, I am doing more than just a few things right. The soft, sweet and silky skin is always comfortable to the touch and slides against my man's body like satin bedsheets. My legs are long and elegant, with perfectly toned calf muscles, emphasized with my heels and the barely there straps running down the side of my legs. I love straps. Anything that adds a bit of interest to the body without actually covering anything up. It is why I love wearing dresses to the Las Vegas strip clubs that don't cover any of my goodies. It adds a bit if mystery to my body without actually preventing my men from seeing what I have to offer. I want to let guys know what they see is what they get. There is nothing worse than receiving a gift, only to unwrap it and to receive a giant letdown with what it actually is. I'm not like that at all. I'm the gift everyone knows they are going to like, but are still blown away with just how incredible it is. I fit like a glove, and after all, if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.

Vegas Stripper with a Side of Tantalizing

I always enjoy sitting down with the different guys who visit the strip clubs Vegas is known for and talk with them about their lives. I find it interesting to learn about where each man is from, what they are looking for in Vegas, what they do back home and what they are looking for in Las Vegas strippers. Everyone has an incredible backstory and has a just as interesting line about what they are looking for in Vegas strippers. Some men are just looking for a sexy women, while others want to experience the sensation of having a beautiful woman rub up against them. Some men are lonely and enjoy a few minutes of meaningful conversation. Whatever it is the men are looking for, I try my very best to offer it and to provide exactly what it is that they need. We all need different kinds of sustenance. It is more than just food and water in life. Something that feeds the mind and feeds the soul is required, and each person on this planet requires something different from the next man. Kind of why some men are tit men and other men are legs or ass men. Everyone has something different they mentally and physically need, not necessarily to survive, but to live. In the heat of the Las Vegas nightlife, I am able to offer a small token of this to my men who come and visit. I'm lucky enough to be able to provide some of this as a stripper in Las Vegas, so I do my part.

Vegas is a Dream

Working at the best Las Vegas strip clubs is a dream come true. All my life growing up in Russia I fantasized about living amongst the glitz and glamor of the flashing neon lights, the busy scenery and everything going on through the city of Las Vegas. I saw pictures in magazines and heard tales from a few people who visited the city just how incredible it is. I performed ballet in the local performing group, so I could hone my dance talents and tone up my body. However, my legs and my body proved to be too tall and long to fit in with the ballet scene, so I decided to take my dancing skills elsewhere. Working the adult scene did prove to be a bit of an adjustment at first, but know I wouldn't have it any other way. In Russia, so many of the girls are ballet dancers, so making an international touring group is almost impossible. However, making it into the United States as an adult dancer became my ticket into the country. Now I am here, and I love to show off some of my leg moves while on the dance floor. I just get to incorporate a bit more provocative moves than what I might have done back home, all with some incredible heels on at the same time.

Perfect Las Vegas Bachelor Party Ideas

One thing I mastered at an early age is flexibility. I'm incredibly flexible. That comes in handy when stripping for the many men who come to visit me throughout the year. It is also what makes me a hot sell when it comes to the different Las Vegas bachelor party packages. Men love more than anything to be touched and to be shown appreciation. With my long legs wrapped around a man while I perform for him, there really is no better way to get a man's attention than this. That way, I can whisper into his ears just how happy I am that he cam to see me. It also opens me up for my grand ending, which I don't want to give away, but it is truly spectacular.